This is for all the Wild Cards fans out there… and for all those who I’m hoping will become Wild Cards fans in the very near future.
INSIDE STRAIGHT, the first book in the new Wild Cards triad from Tor, is scheduled for publication on January 22. To help celebrate its release, and the rebirth of the Wild Cards series, we’re debuting a brand new, official Wild Cards website. You’ll find it at:
Do go and check it out, and be sure and sign up for the free email newsletter that will keep you informed of updates to the site and all the other Wild Cards news. Sign-up will also give you a ticket to some nifty extras and hidden features that we’re planning.
We have big plans for the site, including a gallery of fan art, “webisodes” and other original features that you won’t find in the books, author interviews, out-takes, and a lot of other cool stuff, so once you visit, come back often.
And if you’re new to the world of the Wild Cards, you may also want to check out some of the existing Wild Cards sites on the web. They’re not “official,” as the new Tor site will be, but they’re wonderfully done, with a wealth of information. I’m talking about Jason Redgewell’s terrific fan site, Wild Cards Online, and the lively Wild Cards forum to be found on the Captain Comics board. Those addresses are:
So check those out as well, and keep on shuffling. Remember, we can’t die yet, we haven’t seen THE JOLSON STORY.
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