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Last Day in London

April 16, 2012 at 9:13 am
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Today’s my last day in London (for this part of the trip). I’ll be turning up at the London Book Fair and taping some interviews there for HBO, then heading back to the hotel to pack for Portugal. Off to Lisbon in the a.m.

Was down on Oxford Street yesterday afternoon, and I popped into the Waterstone’s there and signed all their stock. So if any of my UK readers want a signed copy or three, that’s where you’ll find ’em… while the supplies last.

The day before, we caught WAR HORSE on stage. AMAZING show. More impressive than the film, I think. The puppetry is magical. We also got to meet several of the actors. My thanks to my friends at HBO for getting us the tickets, and to John Bradley West for helping set up the backstage visit.

ANd before THAT was our after-hours HarperCollins party at the Tower of London, else wise known as The Publishing Event of the Year. Turns out I have readers amongst the Beefeaters.

So, yes, you can say, this has been a swell trip.

Current Mood: null null
