
Yesterday was tax day

April 16, 2002

Yesterday was tax day, a traumatic time in the life of a freelance writer. Others may get refunds, but for those of us who are self-employed April 15 is almost always the day on which we write big checks to the IRS, and so it was this year. (sob)

To salve my pain, I am taking off tomorrow morning for Elf Fair in Holland. I hope that some of you will be descending on Castle de Haar as well. I’ll be looking forward to meeting some more of my European readers. In addition to my various appearances at the festival, I will also be doing a signing at Boekhandel Schelterma in Amsterdam, and one at Boekhandel Donner in Rotterdam, both on Friday, April 19. After Elf Fair, I will be in Amsterdam for a few days for various interviews, and meetings with my Dutch publisher, agent, and translator.

Meanwhile, on another front, Fantasy Flight Games is moving ahead quickly with their GAME OF THRONES collectible card game. The game has just gone into the playtesting stage, and Fantasy Flight tells me that they hope to launch it at this summer’s GenCon gaming convention. The folks at Fantasy Flight have lined up some terrific artists to do the cards, and sketches and paintings are flooding in to their offices from all over the world.

Here, to whet your appetite, here are a couple of the first of the finished pieces to arrive, by Jason Engle and Martina Pilcerova.

Jamie Lannister
“Jaime Lannister” by Jason Engle

The Eyrie
“The Eyrie” by Martina Pilcerova

Shoe Inside
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