

July 7, 2006

We’ve seen a lot of stuff over the past few months, but nothing that moved me to expound on it at length.

Caught THE LAKE HOUSE last night at a local cinema. A nice, sweet time travel romance, albeit a little predictable. Sandra Bullock is always good, and there was even a halfway decent performance from Keanu Reaves, who usually plays a piece of wood. The house of the title looked nice from the outside, but I don’t know that I’d want to live in it. I think the dog is caught in a time loop, however.

Before that, we went to SUPERMAN RETURNS. Yawn. He could have stayed away a few more years, if this was all we were going to get. There was a great plane rescue and some nice hammy Luthoring from Kevin Spacey. Five years away, and Supes didn’t even check out the color of Lois Lane’s underwear on his return. The boy is just too wholesome. The best part of the movie was the trailer for SPIDER-MAN 3, although I do wonder if Spidey isn’t going to fail victim to the “eight villains are better than one” syndrome that destroyed the Batman franchise. I only need one bad guy per movie, thank you very much.

Actually, the most interesting viewing these days is on the small screen, not the big one. DEADWOOD is back, and that’s cause for celebration, as any cocksucker who likes good writing and great acting must agree. I can’t believe that HBO is letting this one go after the third season. Ian McShane should really win an Emmy. Just watched the episode where Bullock is trying to negotiate the sale of the livery stable between Steve the Drunk and Hosteteler, neither of whom will sign first. Matt Dillon never had problems like this.

Posted in What I'm Watching.
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