

June 10, 2004

issue #6 cover #2issue #6 cover #1The sixth and final issue of THE HEDGE KNIGHT comic from Roaring Studios and Dabel Brothers is now in a comic shop near you. It’s a little bigger than the earlier issues, but Ben Avery, Mike S. Miller, Mike Crowell, and the rest of the Roaring gang have delivered the same top quality, bringing the tale to a bang-up close, I think (of course, I’m hardly objective, but what the hell).

The comic is available in your choice of covers: the “A” cover by Mike S. Miller gives us Dunk, mounted and armored, and the “B” cover by Andres Finer portrays his antagonist, Aerion Targaryen, the Bright Prince. Buy both, he said. They fit together splendidly for an evocative tableau. paperback

Some of you may have missed issues of THE HEDGE KNIGHT comic, most of which sold out on or shortly after publication. You haven’t been forgotten. Devil’s Due will shortly be releasing a trade paperback edition of the series that collects all six issues between one set of covers… with a cover painting by Ted Nasmith, famed for his work illustrating J.R.R. Tolkien.

And unlike the comics, the trade paperback will be widely available in bookstores, and can be ordered over the web from Amazon or your favorite internet bookshop. It will have the entire story, beginning to end… and a few “extra” treats as well.

Working with Mike S. Miller, Ben Avery, and the Dabel Brothers has been a delight from beginning to end, and I am thrilled by the beautiful job they’ve done bringing Dunk and Egg to another medium. Roaring is going on to bring more fantasy to the comics, including stories by Robert Jordan, Tad Williams, Raymond Feist, and Robert Silverberg. Check it out, even if you don’t normally read funny books. Comic books don’t have to be about guys in long underwear punching each other, as the Dabel boys are proving.

Posted in Book News, News.
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