Wilde Again
Here's an update from Simon Wilde, who writes to say, " I was catching up with the latest news on your site and saw my daughter's podgy ickle baby face peeking out from the 'From My Readers' bit, so I thought I should send you an updated photo. Here is Arya a few weeks shy of her fourth birthday. Honestly, we had no idea when we named her that she would turn out so Arya-like in temperament. We simply fell in love with the name. In true Arya fashion though, little Miss Wilde is wilful and headstrong, has hair that would shame Medusa, and when offered a birthday treat of a dressing-up outfit, chose a Dalek suit over a Princess one. Grandma, who isn't familiar with your Arya, recently asked about the character whilst watching her granddaughter tear hell-for-leather around the garden. "Is the Arya in the book a princess?" she asked. "No, at the moment, she's training to be an assassin," I replied. "How apt," said Grandma."
Have we really been doing this fan page for four years??? That's scary. Next thing I know these kids are going to be going to college. I do hope I've finished A DANCE WITH DRAGONS by then, at least.
Here's hoping your Arya doesn't actually choose an assassin's career, because that disarming smile would be a significant advantage.