Catelyn Watson
This "Cate" is the daughter of Maria and David Watson of Stockholm, Sweden. Her mother writes, "I started reading A GAME OF THRONES a few years ago and was immediately captivated... I've also been able to get my hubby to read it, but I can't quite determine if he is as smitten with your work as I am (but I'm working on it!). One of my favourite characters has always been Catelyn Tully, so to name our daughter Catelyn was an easy choice, especially given it's a rather unusual name, at least here in Sweden... according to Statistics Sweden (, she is so far the only one with that name in the country! I don't know if our little girl will be anything like her ASOIF namesake, but so far she has a lot more michievious traits than Catelyn Tully, although they seem to have the same kind of calm about them and our Cate doesn't get upset very easily."