Arya Grace
Arya Grace was born on St. Patrick's Day, 2006. Her father Dan Pickles writes, "I wanted to... reveal myself as a new addition to the list of devoted GRRM fans who have named their kids after characters in your Song of Ice and Fire series.... I'm not ashamed to admit that I've developed a full scale addiction to your books which entails re-reading the series quite often, playing a bi-weekly roleplaying session in the accompanying RPG setting, and having semi regular sessions of the board game. If you haven't gathered it yet; I, sir, am a dork. A proud dork. As a proud dork it was a natural step for me to name my spawn after my favorite character in your books, Arya Stark. Please take this as the highest compliment from me, and keep up the excellent work with your series."
I will do my best, Dan, and all my good wishes go out to Arya Grace and her lady mother.