June 15, 2006
DREAMSONGS, the gigantic collection of my short fiction known in the US as GRRM: A RRETROSPECTIVE (Subterranean Press, 2003) will have its first British publication in September, when Gollancz SF releases the book as a trade hardcover. 
The Gollancz edition has a different title and a different cover, and will not include the interior artwork featured in the Subterranean edition. Aside from that the contents will be the same — half a million words of my fiction, teleplays, and commentary, spanning my entire career from my early days writing for the comics fanzines of the 60s through my Hugo- and Nebula-award winners (and losers), right up to my work. The table of contents includes “The Hedge Knight,” “Sandkings,” “A Song for Lya,” “Portraits of His Children,” and many, many more, a teleplay from my days on The Twilight Zone, the pilot script for my SF series Doorways, a taste of Tuf and the Great and Powerful Turtle, and an introduction by Gardner Dozois, the editor who fished me out of the slush pile back in 1970.
If you missed your chance to get GRRM: A RRETROSPECTIVE, here’s an opportunity to snag all the same stories in a handsome hardcover edition at a much lower price.